The Spiritual Combat is the book im currently reading. I bought it outside of Guasti church in ontario. God's been bringing things of this nature to my attention lately. As soon as I opened it, its like it was written for me.Im sure some of you have read simular books, Im highliting more than is left un highlited. Ive always looked at spiritual combat as something we do more outwardly by our actions and act's against evil, but this book talks about our inner battle to master self, to realy die, to our flesh and submit to the will of God in our lives. Just as one of my favorite priests Father Marx said the sunday I bought this book "The spirit is willing but the flesh is week" and as I get further into this book I realize how many moments I have done the good act but my heart wasnt really in it. Just this sunday I was asked to scoot over in church by an usher and I reluctantly did just as I was whining to myself a nun sat beside me who has given herself her whole life to the Lord. I felt so ugly inside its needless to say I have started my battle within myself my battle with self disipline as ive previously written, and my battle to be a servant of the Lord.
Here is a link my mom found where you can read the book online I hope you check it out.
also here are a couple of scriptures that caught my eye.
None shall be crowned who has not faught well. -2 tim 2:5
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty to God unto the pulling down of fortifications, distroying counsels, and every height that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every understanding unto the obedience of Christ." -2 corinthians 10 :3-5
Musical Instrument Museum
3 days ago