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Im thanking God for each and every day!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

In the valley I grow

I absolutely love this poem............

Sometimes life seems hard to bear,
Full of sorrow, trouble and woe
It's then I have to remember
That it's in the valleys I grow.

If I always stayed on the mountain top
And never experienced pain,
I would never appreciate God's love
And would be living in vain.

I have so much to learn
And my growth is very slow,
Sometimes I need the mountain tops,
But it's in the valleys I grow.

I do not always understand
Why things happen as they do,
But I am very sure of one thing.
My Lord will see me through.

My little valleys are nothing
When I picture Christ on the cross
He went through the valley of death;
His victory was Satan's loss.

Forgive me Lord, for complaining
When I'm feeling so very low.
Just give me a gentle reminder
That it's in the valleys I grow.

Continue to strengthen me, Lord
And use my life each day
To share your love with others
And help them find their way.

Thank you for valleys, Lord
For this one thing I know
The mountain tops are glorious
But it's in the valleys I grow!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I recieved this in an e mail today and I really wanted to share...

We are sitting at lunch one day when my daughter casually mentions that she and her husband are thinking of "starting a family. "You think I should have a baby?"

"It will change your life," I say, carefully keeping my tone neutral.

"I know," she says, "no more sleeping in on weekends, no more spontaneous vacations ..."
But that is not what I meant at all. I look at my daughter, trying to decide what to tell her. I want her to know what she will never learn in childbirth classes. I want to tell her that the physical wounds of child bearing will heal, but becoming a mother will leave her with an emotional wound so raw that she will forever be vulnerable.

I consider warning her that she will never again read a newspaper without asking, "What if that had been MY child?" That every plane crash, every house fire will haunt her.

That when she sees pictures of starving children, she will wonder if anything could be worse than watching your child die.

I look at her carefully manicured nails and stylish suit and think that no matter how sophisticated she is, becoming a mother will reduce her to the primitive level of a bear protecting her cub. That an urgent call of "Mom!" will cause her to drop a soufflé or her best crystal without a moment's hesitation.

I feel that I should warn her that no matter how many years she has invested in her career, she will be professionally derailed by motherhood. She might arrange for childcare, but one day she will be going into an important business meeting and she will think of her baby's sweet smell. She will have to use every ounce of discipline to keep from running home, just to make sure her baby is all right.

I want my daughter to know that every day decisions will no longer be routine. That a five year old boy's desire to go to the men's room rather than the women's at McDonald's will become a major dilemma. That right there, in the midst of clattering trays and screaming children, issues of independence and gender identity will be weighed against the prospect that a child molester may be lurking in that restroom.

However decisive she may be at the office, she will second-guess herself constantly as a mother.
Looking at my attractive daughter, I want to assure her that eventually she will shed the pounds of pregnancy, but she will never feel the same about herself. That her life, now so important, will be of less value to her once she has a child. That she would give it up in moment to save her offspring, but will also begin to hope for more years-not to accomplish her own dreams, but to watch her child accomplish theirs.

I want her to know that a cesarean scar or shiny stretch marks will become badges of honor.
My daughter's relationship with her husband will change, but not in the way she thinks. I wish she could understand how much more you can love a man who is careful to powder the baby or who never hesitates to play with his child. I think she should know that she will fall in love with him again for reasons she would now find very unromantic.

I wish my daughter could sense the bond she will feel with women throughout history who have tried to stop war, prejudice and drunk driving. I hope she will understand why I can think rationally about most issues, but become temporarily insane when I discuss the threat of nuclear war to my children's future.

I want to describe to my daughter the exhilaration of seeing your child learn to ride a bike.

I want to capture for her the belly laugh of a baby who is touching the soft fur of a dog or cat for the first time. I want her to taste the joy that is so real it actually hurts.

My daughter's quizzical look makes me realize that tears have formed in my eyes.

"You'll never regret it," I finally say. Then I reached across the table, squeezed my daughter's hand and offered a silent prayer for her, and for me, and for all the mere mortal women who stumble their way into this most wonderful of callings. This blessed gift from God ... that of being a Mother.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I dont often share my poems but I needed to share this one!

There are many times throughout my day I notice people being led astray.
Whether it be by the government's lies and deceit or handouts which helps you "get back on your feet" Many people take and never give any back. You hear people say "Oh cut em some slack". But what if we didn't just settle for less. What if we just demanded the best. What could we accomplish in our world today if we again look to God to guide our way. Like we've done for hundreds of years when this nation was founded through blood sweat and tears. The bible says "we will reap what we sow." What the future will bring I'm afraid to know. We must rise above the lies of today and do as our ancestors, fight for our way. It won't be easy the road will be tough but will what you did today make a difference? Did you do enough?

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world" Ghandi

Friday, July 17, 2009

kings canyon

kings canyon

Here are some photo's of our recent trip to kings canyon. We had such a great time with our family I love just being together enjoying eachothers company in God's beautiful wilderness theese pictures really dont do this awesome country justice it realy is breathtakingly beautifull if thats even a word. n e ways I loved it even the moscitoes. hehehe

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Spiritual Combat

The Spiritual Combat is the book im currently reading. I bought it outside of Guasti church in ontario. God's been bringing things of this nature to my attention lately. As soon as I opened it, its like it was written for me.Im sure some of you have read simular books, Im highliting more than is left un highlited. Ive always looked at spiritual combat as something we do more outwardly by our actions and act's against evil, but this book talks about our inner battle to master self, to realy die, to our flesh and submit to the will of God in our lives. Just as one of my favorite priests Father Marx said the sunday I bought this book "The spirit is willing but the flesh is week" and as I get further into this book I realize how many moments I have done the good act but my heart wasnt really in it. Just this sunday I was asked to scoot over in church by an usher and I reluctantly did just as I was whining to myself a nun sat beside me who has given herself her whole life to the Lord. I felt so ugly inside its needless to say I have started my battle within myself my battle with self disipline as ive previously written, and my battle to be a servant of the Lord.
Here is a link my mom found where you can read the book online I hope you check it out.

also here are a couple of scriptures that caught my eye.

None shall be crowned who has not faught well. -2 tim 2:5

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty to God unto the pulling down of fortifications, distroying counsels, and every height that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every understanding unto the obedience of Christ." -2 corinthians 10 :3-5